"The Battle of Karbala took place on Muharram 10, 61 AH (October 9 or 10, 680 CE) in Karbala, in present day Iraq. On one side were supporters and relatives of Muhammad's grandson Husayn ibn Ali; on the other side was a military detachment from the forces of Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph.
Husayn ibn Ali's group consisted of notable members of Muhammad's close relatives, around 72 men and women, of which some were either very old or very young. Husayn and some members of his group were accompanied by some of the women and children from their families. On the opposite side, the armed forces of Yazid I were led by Umar ibn Sa'ad and contained at least 40,000 men.
The battle field was a desert region located beside one of the branches of the Euphrates River. The battle resulted in the military defeat of Husayn ibn Ali's group, the death of almost all of his men, and the captivity of all women and children.
The Battle of Karbala is one of the most significant battles in the history of Muslims.
This battle also had significant effects on formation of subsequent revolts against the Umayyad dynasty.
The battle of Husayn ibn Ali is commemorated during an annual 10-day period held every Muharram, culminating on its tenth day, Ashura." (Quote from wikipedia.org)
Table of Contents:
Publisher's Preface; Translator's Word; A Biography Of `abdul-zahrÃ' Al-ka`bee (mmauh); Introduction; The First Part; The Second Part
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