Bella DePaulo (Ph.D, Harvard) has been writing about single life for well over a decade, beginning with her myth-shattering book, "Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After." This collection includes some of her most popular and empowering writings from her "Living Single" blog at Psychology Today as well as other articles readers have loved.
The book includes 8 sections:
1.Why Singles Are Thriving – Despite All You've Heard to the Contrary
2.Single Life: We Chose It
3.Mocking Those 'Why Are You Single' Lists
4.The Good Life and the Successful Life
5.Savoring Our Solitude: Choosing to Spend Time Alone
6.Valuing Our Relationships: Choosing to Spend Time with Others
7.Sex and the Single Person: Have It Your Way – or Just Skip It
8.Are We Missing Out by Being Single – or Are They?
Among the 65 articles in the book are:
•7 secrets of successful single people
•Who wrote the book of love? Happy single people
•Fear not: The advantages of people unafraid to be single
•Are single people more resilient than everyone else?
•Why aren't married people any happier than singles? A Nobel Prize winner's answer
•Wedding porn doesn't turn us on: Age at first marriage has never been higher
•The last 'why are you single' list you will ever need
•Elements of the good life: Our list is too short
•Sweet solitude: The benefits it brings and the special strengths of the people who enjoy it
•The happy loner
•Best things about living alone – for people who mean it
•Single, no children: Who's your family?
•If you are single, will you grow old alone? Results from 6 nations
•Who keeps siblings together when they become adults?
•Bigger, broader meanings of love and romance
•Getting married and getting sex (or not)
•Asexuals: Who are they and why are they important?
•Are monogamous relationships really better?
•23 ways singles are better
•What you miss by doing what everyone else does
•Top 8 reasons not to marry
•Keeping marriage alive with affairs, asexuality, polyamory, and living apart