"In Bionic Bull Rider, Barry Brown has captured an intriguing story of one man's life in the rodeo world. Along with his brothers, and his dog Rod, Mr. Brown's travels on the rodeo circuit are at times exciting, moving, and tragic, but are as real as you can get. In writing his memoirs, Brown has preserved what it was like for the cowboys who came before. His history is rodeo's history and is one fascinating read." Ralph Clark About.com Guide to Rodeo
You can feel it beneath your nails and taste it in your mouth. Amazingly vivid with details - I don't think Barry has ever forgotten a name, date or single second of a ride. This memoir by the original PRCA Comeback Cowboy of the Year will have you laughing and crying (sometimes all at once), and will definitely leave you inspired. So...push your hat down over your ears and take a firm hold. Once you crack the cover you're in for a wild ride! Christy Jordan-Fenton - Author
"It's been a fun and amazing read. Once I got going it was hard to stop. An amazing start and life...a great read for anyone who loves real life efforts. To follow a dream and do what it takes to achieve their goal!" Lyle Sankey