This durable study edition of the "Book of Confessions" represents Part I of the "Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA)" and includes the official texts of eleven confessional statements commencing with the Nicene Creed. (Part II of the Constitution is the "Book of Order," published separately.) Each creed is here introduced by an informative essay providing historical and theological background. The reprint of this volume contains textual changes approved by the 211th General Assembly (1999) and additional prefatory material that was added by action of the 209th General Assembly (1997). A change in the text of the Nicene Creed to incorporate the contemporary version of the creed was approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998) and again approved, and enacted, by the 211th General Assembly (1999). Two additional documents were added during the reprinting of this volume. By action of the 209th General Assembly (1997), the following documents were incorporated into the prefatory material of this book: "The Assessment of Proposed Amendments to 'The Book of Confessions'" and "The Confessional Nature of the Church."