The Book of Lines: A 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes
In 1967, the first I Ching book, The Book of Changes, was published in English. The Book of Changes detailed the 64 hexagrams from the Chinese I Ching in great detail, giving the Western world powerful insights into the archetype of humanity
In 1987, a new science of personal discovery, Human Design, was conceived : Human Design.
Human Design is a synthesis of ancient and modern wisdom traditions including Eastern and Western astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Hindu Chakra System and the Judaic Kaballah, combined with Quantum (Neutrino) Physics and an understanding of the Human Genetic Code.
Human Design gives us an extraordinary in-depth understanding of the possibilities for mankind, particularly in these changing times.
In this new book, The Book of Lines, Chetan Parkyn, a Human Design Master Practitioner and Teacher for over 20 years, shares a modern day explanation of the Chinese I Ching as it relates to Human Design, and also as a standalone version of the I Ching for clear, straightforward language.
The Book of Lines is a 21st century view of the I Ching and gives the reader a deep and practical way to understand who they are, how they are energetically configured, the power they naturally carry and share with the world and how to proceed in it with clarity and awareness.
This modern-day, easy-to-understand manual is an important companion guide for anyone who uses the Chinese I Ching and Human Design.
The Book of Lines takes a deep and mystical esoteric science and translates it into simple, grounded language that helps the reader gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their loved ones, and the life conditions that influence us all.