Employee or entrepreneur? Which would you rather be in the 21st century?Robert Kiyosaki explains how you can take advantage of these economic times to build wealth and create a happier life through network marketing! Multimillionaire investor, business owner, educator, speaker, and the best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series is sold network marketing and wants to share his insights with you. In this 27-minute audio CD, Robert explains how network marketing:Builds people up instead of tearing them down. Offers a worldwide network and global reach.Develops great leaders.Creates genuine wealth.I saw network marketing as a great personal development type of business. It is about developing people, not pushing them down. Itƒ'¬"s about building them up so they can take better control of their lives and their future without worrying about being fired all the time, or will I be downsized, or what if the economy changes. Network marketing business, the business in the 21st century, is about turning people from employees to entrepreneurs. Thatƒ'¬"s what I support.. ƒ'¬‚¬ï¿½From The Business of the 21st Century by Robert Kiyosaki