(This is the Kindle Edition.) Taking and passing an FAA Knowledge Exam is required for earning the Private, Sport, and Recreational Pilot certificates. Using the FAA exam as the premise for learning, author Bob Gardner applies practical information so readers are not only prepared for the tests, but also for the cockpit. He augments the required information with specific tip, techniques, checklists, mnemonic devices, and sound advice from personal experience. A full-color sectional chart excerpt is provided for use with the interactive exercises throughout the book. Each chapter concludes with sample FAA Knowledge Exam questions; also a glossary and index are at back. This practical application of the FAA Exam is not available in any other textbook!
This Twelfth Edition includes internet links for useful aviation websites, weather charts, flight planning, and more, with a section showing examples of online weather sources with full-color examples of weather chart products. Also included is information on the new ICAO-based flight planning form, scenario-based training, single-pilot resource management, and learner-centered grading. Gardner's approachable yet concise writing style helps readers quickly grasp the subjects, pass the required tests and checkrides, and gain an operational understanding of flight they can take straight to the cockpit.