To go from an unsure "leather-interested person" to a fully evolved leatherboy is one of the hardest things a person can do in life. But that is not the end of the journey for many people. The quest is never-ending, and the road is full of strange things, places, and lots of questions. In many cases the road forks and we take turns that could ultimately lead to a happy or horrible situation. A lot of this book will discuss the gay leather world. I will attempt to explain differences between the gay and straight world of BDSM. Even though this book is geared toward the homosexual male, do not assume it can benefit only gay males. Sexual gender has NOTHING to do with being a leatherboy - as you will learn in this book; the same lessons apply for any sexual orientation. Mind you, some dynamics may be altered, but the rules and reasons remain the same. This book will give you the tools and the insight into the alternative sexual world of the leatherboy and the pointers you will need to succeed.