The Cult of Common Core: Obama's Final Solution for Your Child's Mind and Our Country's Exceptionalism
A former Common Core insider and current public school teacher, Brad McQueen, delivers a compelling firsthand account of coming face to face with the inner workings of the Common Core. When he discovers what it has in store for our children's minds and our country's exceptionalism, he decides to work towards the destruction of the Common Core beast.
Written in a concise, easy-to-read style, The Cult of Common Core will inform you, alarm you, but it will also arm you with the necessary facts to intelligently and forcefully fight for your children and your country before school boards or arrogant politicians who voted it into your life. Using humor, and plain, mostly acronym-free language, Brad takes you with him to Chicago as he works with the Common Core high command. Brad takes you through a history of the Common Core and identifies all the key players, as well as warns you of the Common Core's true intentions for your child and our education delivery system.
Brad takes down each of the Common Core's talking points on one by one. Common Core is more "rigorous"? Common Core has overwhelming support of teachers? Common Core was a "state-led" initiative? The federal government has no role in Common Core?....hell no. Brad also details the intimidation from his State Department of Education as his anti-Common Core message became public.
Just as we are moving from theory to implementation with Obamacare and discovering its true goals with healthcare, so too shall America begin discovering Common Core's true goals for education and your child's mind.
Don't be on the sidelines in the fight for your children's minds and our country's exceptionalism!