The Dig for Kids is a simple and easy way for parents to study through books of the Bible with their children. The Dig takes the guesswork out of teaching for parents. Each lesson is just one page that contains four main parts:
The Map - The Map is the overview of each lesson. It will tell you as a parent and your child what you will be studying.
The Dig - The Dig is the main passage of the Bible you will be reading. There are typically three or four review questions that will help with discussion and review.
The Treasure - The Treasure is the big idea of the passage you have just studied. Simply put, it is what you want your child to remember in one sentence.
The Display - Archaeologists go on a dig, find a treasure, and then put it on display for all to see. This is the basic idea behind the Display. It helps your child live out what he or she has just learned.
Early on in The Dig you will meet a character named Doc. He will be your expert and experienced tour guide. Through each Dig, Doc will help guide a child systematically through books of the Bible. The Dig for Kids is a great resource for parents because it makes teaching children the Bible simple, fun, and interactive! Throughout this study of Proverbs, parents and children will gain insight and wisdom to help walk through life in a Godly way!