'Lashing of no-nonsense advice is peppered with hilarious one-liners and insight into Visage's life.' --Victoria Innell, Associate Vendor Manager for Amazon.co.uk via The Bookseller as one of November's Top Picks
'... highly recommend! She gives great advice to struggling creative types, cuz she's LIVED IT!' --Wendi McLendon-Covey, Actress "The Goldbergs"
'Michelle Visage is a lioness; highly intelligent, fiercely loyal, and hyper-aware ... She's my friend, my business partner and she is someone I admire very much. I love this woman, and in reading this book, I know that you will fall in love with her too.' --RuPaul, Entertainer, from his Foreward for The Diva Rules
'This is great, this is a whole new language... it's fun, it's entertaining, but there's a really strong message here as well... I love it, absolute love it!' --Lorraine Kelly, UK Television Presenter in an interview with Michelle Visage