EDS and Hypermobility Syndrome are diseases of connective tissue. They impact the quality of life, relationships and earning ability, among many others as well as carrying with them severe, and often intractable, pain. Given that connective tissue is distributed throughout the body, poor quality connective tissue has the ability to affect, tendon, ligaments, bones, skin and gut. Good quality connective tissue requires the necessary collagen forming building blocks to be in place before it can be synthesised. Most of this – if the necessary materials are present – will take place in the body but sometimes defective genes and defective diets (which could ameliorate the effects of rogue genes) prevent this from happening.The author argues that the massive changes in our diets which have occurred since the post war years have produced an increase in certain diseases which are the result of poor nutritional status. Our current eating choices have largely done away with three of the four essential building blocks necessary to build strong connective tissue. The author explains how to eat to introduce these substances back into the diet which will not only help you to build healthy tissue, but will also aid sleep as well as reduce inflammation and build lean muscle mass.This is a sequel to The Journey: living with EDS and chronic pain