In the fourth installment of the Judas Curse Series...
Benjamin Stanford has had enough. Leaving the world of the supernatural behind, Ben desperately tries to find his place back in the real world.
The supernatural world, however, has other ideas. Dealing with a string of random suicides, Ben knows the insane god, Apollo, is behind it. Reluctantly teaming up with Hades and Jude, Ben goes on a journey to try and find a solution to an unkillable god.
Knowing Ben is on the case, Mark and Alex make their way to Europe with a plan of their own. Something has to be done about the portals, and Alex thinks he has the answer. But it comes at a price, a price Mark may not be willing to pay.
Will the detective and his Devil companion manage to find a solution and keep Jude safe? And will Mark be willing to compromise everything he believes in if it will save the world?