An urgently needed €œrisk map€ of the many dangers that could derail Asia€s growth and stability
Since Marco Polo, the West has waited for the €œAsian Century.€ Today, the world believes that Century has arrived. Yet from China€s slumping economy to war clouds over the South China Sea and from environmental devastation to demographic crisis, Asia€s future is increasingly uncertain. Historian and geopolitical expert Michael Auslin argues that far from being a cohesive powerhouse, Asia is a fractured region threatened by stagnation and instability. Here, he provides a comprehensive account of the economic, military, political, and demographic risks that bedevil half of our world, arguing that Asia, working with the United States, has a unique opportunity to avert catastrophe €“ but only if it acts boldly. Bringing together firsthand observations and decades of research, Auslin€s provocative reassessment of Asia€s future will be a must€‘read for industry and investors, as well as politicians and scholars, for years to come.