"'Twas the first day of homeschool," begins the poetic tale of a young child's return to schooling. The story weaves through the exciting first day as the family enjoys a special time of learning, helping, and sharing together - interrupted only by a mischievous visit from Homeschool Elf who hides the children's school supplies and sends them on a hunt to find the missing books, pencils, and more! In addition to the story text, younger children will enjoy trying to find the hidden Homeschool Elf peeking out from the book illustrations while older children are encouraged to interact with the story by answering questions related to the text and their own homeschool experiences. For those eager to begin their own Homeschool Elf tradition - a pattern of Homeschool Elf has been included at the back of the book. We recommend copying the pattern and cutting it out so if something happens to Homeschool Elf during the year, you will always have a pattern to replace him.