The Food of Gods is Jasmuheen’s 18th book on metaphysical matters and hopefully her last book in her Divine Nutrition research series. It is not necessary to have read the previous books on this subject which cover her personal journey and the solution for world health and world hunger issues as “The Foods of Gods†takes the pranic nourishment, Divine Nutrition discussion to another level and offers simple yet powerful tools to satiate all of our hungers. Jasmuheen shares that the difference between the living on light and Divine Nutrition realities can best be summed up by the following points. She writes: “The most important difference with our focus with Divine Nutrition is that It has the ability to feed us on all levels and that we can still benefit from increasing Its flow through our bio-system even if we continue to choose to enjoy eating. Allowing this Divinely Nutritional stream to be increased in our system means that we can be fed emotionally, mentally and spiritually and as such the techniques and guidelines shared in this book, will benefit us all by freeing us from our current personal and global emotional, mental and spiritual states of anorexia. “Providing the tools and research to do this is my real focus in the world and just part of my life’s work for I know that when we learn to nourish our selves enough - and from free and purer sources - then our planet will blossom into a state of paradise for all. Committing my life just to the issue of ‘to eat or not to eat’ is too limiting an agenda for me particularly since I have seen what really can be achieved when we access the food of Gods Divine Nutrition channel. I call this Level 1 of the Divine Nutrition Program. “Once we have increased the intensity of this flow and directed it in a manner that will give us a pure and never-ending source of emotional, mental and spiritual nutrition, we can then choose to refine ourselves further into Level 3 of this program and accept one of the additional gifts of this flow, which is Its ability to physically nourish our cells. To me this ability is a very small gift of the food of the Gods and I feel that our focus needs to be on all of the gifts. However, while this may be an acceptable option for the bulk of humanity in our future, at the moment we are still in the pioneering stages of this in the Western world and much more research needs to be done. All pioneering work requires, ‘guinea pigs’ or test subjects, of which perhaps you – the reader – may be one. How do you find out if you are? Read this book and apply the technique for you to find out. “Prana, or chi, or the Universal Life Force as in Reiki, all have as their underlying vibration, or base frequency, pure love and light and when these flood our bio-system, they stimulate the release of more love and light within us. These are the frequencies that can be directed to sustain and nourish us.â€
This flow of love and light is the true food of the Gods
The German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer said: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Schopenhauer, like leading prana researcher Jasmuheen, was a student of the Vedas, from which the very first information about prana has come. Prana is the energy behind the breath, it is also the energy that allows the divine to dance so evidently within the universe.
As many are now aware, metaphysical author Jasmuheen has spent the last four decades studying the rhythms of the field of Divine Love to the degree that in 1993 she discovered its ability to provide nourishment on not just emotional, mental and spiritual levels but also on a physical level. She then toured extensively sharing this with all those open to experience this different way of being nourished, continually also offering deep meditations within the field