Available both in print and kindle, The Good Enema, what is more loving, gentle, and good care than a good enema? The story of a woman and a teenage girl together in a hospital room at the end of WWII, good enemas, and how enemas changed their lives, and their family's lives; a slice of life---no a piece of life deeper than a slice---more hidden, less exposed, a private part of life deep in the memories of billions of people, yet never expressed to their closest loved ones; feelings, psychological reactions, enemas grasped with anatomy endowed with pleasure and phobias before the first hand grasped a tool. Have you experienced the mothering of a good enema?
A mother's loving relation with her daughter, another mother taking home what she learns from that daughter, a girl the same age as her own daughter. A nurse has positive affects on her patients. This is a story about love in simple things, things intimate and embarrassing, things touching a private place, unmentionable, yet needing to be talked about: the story of the good enema.
Have you had a good enema? Do you giggle when the word enema is mentioned? Do you know someone who does? If so this book will touch a place in the heart. Buy it for them for Christmas. Buy it for yourself. New kindle edition 11/9/15, older version still available in paperback.
Love, Truth & Life Publishing, PO Box 65130, Vancouver, WA 98665