The Gun Guide for People who Know Nothing About Firearms
The problem with talking about firearms is that people tend to be either gun nuts or they’re totally ignorant and/or scared to death of firearms. If you're a novice and try to find answers online you're soon flooded with divergent opinions, conflicting advice, and sometimes ridicule for asking such “stupid†questions. Finding answers in person, in a gun store, surrounded by firearm devotees, is even more intimidating! Who, in their right mind wants to embarrass themselves in a room full of complete strangers! This book takes those who are new to the world of firearms and explains the basics of how firearms work, the strengths and weaknesses of every major type of firearm you're likely to encounter, and in the final section, shows you how to evaluate firearm and ammunition choices. When you're finished reading this book you’ll be equipped to make an informed purchase that takes into account your budget and your needs.