"This potent tale, The Holy Man's Journey, is, a continuation of the story of the holy man, Joe, Trott's irresistable cosmic hero. A true guru, Joe is gentle, wise, and blessed with a rich sense of humor. A half dozen of his followers have gathered for a summer retreat, but Joe has other plans. His teacher, a man some twenty years his junior, is ill, and Joe has decided to visit him. He takes Anna, a healer, to accompany him, not because of hs own precarious health, but because unbeknownst to her, she is destined to be his successor. Each phase of their dramatic learning journey becames a lesson in compassion and right action, not only for Anna but also for Trott's spellbound readers.This is a deft, stirring and universally appealing story inlaid with genuine wisdom and a palatable love of life." Donna Seaman, Booklist