The House That Love Built - What It Means To Love One Another
This book is unlike any other relationship book you’ll read, but it’s about the only thing that matters: love.
If you are a human being who has ever connected to another human being, then this book is for you.
Whether you are struggling with romantic relationships, work colleagues, family or friendships, this books outlines three fundamental principles for authentic connections and fulfilling relationships.
Using exercises that focus on authenticity and compassion, you can start building a web of connections around you that supports your truest self. This is the house that love can build …and this book will show you how.
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In your mind’s eye, picture a house...
You can make this house whatever you want it to be: grand or humble, multiple stories or made of a single room, beautiful or run down.
Once you’ve visualized everything, ask yourself, is this house suitable?
Well, you might naturally ask, suitable …for what?
In this book, we won’t be talking about the best, most correct way to build “housesâ€. Instead, we’ll look at what makes something like a house suitable in the first place: whether it suits the needs of the family living there.
This is a book about relationships, but perhaps not in the everyday way we use the word “relationshipâ€. In the chapters that follow, we’ll look at a set of three fundamental principles of real loving relationships. These are the kind of human connections that stand the test of time, and this book is about how you can start creating them right now, no matter what your “house†looks like.
This book takes an approach that’s a little different from what you’ll see in other books about love, relationships or family. Following relationship advice can sometimes feel like building a house for a family that doesn’t exist, or one that you’ve never met before. It’s like deciding that a house is suitable for someone’s needs without knowing what those needs are.
In this book, we turn things around and look at the family first, and then consider the best house for that family to live in. Because no two people are the same, and no two families are the same, the “best†will never be just one thing.
Before we continue, I want to address a thought you might already be having: “wait a second, I don’t have a family yet, I’m just looking for advice about how to make the relationship with my wife/husband better.â€
Here’s another principle that we’ll begin this book with: everyone is in a family.
Here, we’ll understand a family as any set of emotional connections. That’s it. If you're unmarried and have no children, you may not consider yourself as having or being part of the classic family, but you are nevertheless surrounded by a constellation of connections and relations to other people that defines your experience and gives your life meaning and character.
To get the best out of this web of “relations†… that’s the topic of this book.
To improve this family and help it fulfill its potential, we’ll be looking at the connections between people, rather than the people themselves. These kinds of families are living, breathing entities and they are always changing. And this means that no matter what your situation is right now, you can take steps to help that family grow and develop into something else, something amazing.
Using three key principles that underlie all human interaction and connection, we’ll look at kind, compassionate and intelligent ways to start taking control of the relationships in your life. Whatever problem you’re dealing with right now, the principles in this book will help you tackle them with compassion and awareness.