The paperback version of my new book The Joy of Being Disorganized is (almost) here. It's at the printers and we hope to be able to ship by late January. If you order the printed version by January 17 I will autograph your copy.
About the Book: The Joy of Being Disorganized, written by Pam Young the 35-year "guru of getting organized," is excitingly different from all the get organized books ever written. Including Pam's other books on the subject! She discovered and revealed 80 secrets to get you organized while finding peace.
If you are disorganized, you'll see yourself in every chapter, and in a new and soothing light. The Joy of Being Disorganized will completely change the way you look at yourself and at housework and will help get your family to want to help you.
Never again will you beat yourself up over not being organized. With a fresh way of looking at organization - homemaking and housekeeping are truly matters of peacemaking and peacekeeping- you'll stop putting organized people up on a pedestal and subsequently stop putting yourself down.
Pam shows you how to look at the big picture and then move in small ways to achieve the home you've always wanted. Go from CHAOS - Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome - to CHAOS - CAN Have Anyone Over, Sweetie!
You'll learn how to get organized in your own way, on your own time table.
You'll laugh, cry and bubble with excitement to get going with this innovative, new plan and by using the eighty secrets she reveals, you will have a clean, cozy peaceful home.
Peace. That's what we really want!