A lifesaving handbook for parents of children who are occasionally, or too often, €œout of control€ Includes a bound-in twenty-minute DVD featuring Dr. Kazdin and his staff illustrating key concepts of the Kazdin Method Most child-behavior books are filled with advice that sounds reasonable, fits with what parents already believe about child-rearing, and is€"as Dr. Kazdin proves€" guaranteed to fail. The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child makes available to parents for the first time Dr. Kazdin€s proven program€"one backed up by some of the most long-term and respected research devoted to any therapy for children.
Kazdin shatters decades€ worth of accumulated myths about tantrums, time-outs, punishments fitting the crime, and much more.With the practicality of Ferber and the warmth of Brazelton, Kazdin leads parents through every step of the Kazdin Method in action€"how to use tone of voice, when and how to touch, how to lead your child in a €œpractice€ session, how to adjust your approach for different-age children, how to involve siblings, and more.The program is temporary, but the results are permanent€"for very young children, adolescents, and even beyond.