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The King James / Hebrew-Greek Parallel Bible
This is the Parallel King James / Hebrew-Greek Bible linked to Strong's Greek and Hebrew dictionaries. The Greek text is the Nestle 1904 edition, while the Westminster Leningrad Codex is used for the Hebrew text.
Navigation of the Bible can be accomplished with the table of contents, the NCX menu, or by entering the reference:
'mt5.6' + enter + enter, to go to Matthew 5:6.
Strong's Hebrew and Greek dictionaries are included as appendixes at the end of this eBook. The terms can be navigated in a similar manner to the Bible, e.g. 'g125' + enter + enter to see the definition of the Greek word G125.
This edition allows you to read this great, enduring translation of the Bible (after 400 years it remains the most widely read version of the Bible ever produced), while having the original Hebrew and Greek present as well.