The Kingdom of Heaven Within You - Volume 2: The Teachings of Meister Eckhart (Translated)
What is the kingdom of heaven and how may it be attained? In these meditative sermons & tracts, Meister Eckhart elaborates at length upon the biblical teaching that the kingdom of God is within us—not outside, but within. He points out that the exalted state of heaven's kingdom is not merely something to be realized after physical death, but may be realized here and now as one allows God's presence to unfold in one's life. And this is the essence of Christian mysticism. He also gives us beautiful instructions on the proper handling of our own desires and their significance in our growth in the life of Christ.
The following unique translations of Meister Eckhart's teachings are included in this volume:
1. Behold, I send my angel
2. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul
3. On the equality of all things
4. While all things were in quiet silence