The Left in Power: Clinton o Obama: Black Book of the American Left: Volume VII
In The Left in Power: From Clinton to Obama David Horowitz traces the coup that transformed the Democratic Party from a party of the American center to a party of the hardcore left. Horowitz shows how this process began when the Democrats began to adopt the New Left’s anti-individualist, anti-capitalist, and anti-American dogma in the mid-1970s; attained critical mass when Hillary Clinton brought a cohort of leftists to power during her husband’s presidency; and was completed with the election of Barack Obama, a politician born, bred and trained in the “progressive†movement. As a result of this long march, the Democrats now support “causes†that presidents such as Harry Truman and JFK would have abhorred. At home: illegal immigration, race preferences and redistributionism. Abroad: retreat in the war on terror, appeasement of the Hamas terrorists, and the nuclearization of America’s chief enemy, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Left in Power: From Clinton to Obama is the seventh volume of The Black Book of the American Left, Horowitz’s collected conservative writings over the past quarter century. Forcefully argued and intellectually provocative , it hows why David Horowitz is the worst enemy of the Left and a national treasure for conservatives.