The Legend of the Regulators and the Secret list is an engaging story of a man on a quest to help his children. This unique story will take children on a journey to discover the secrets of a long, healthy, happy life. Help Tomas unlock the Secrets as he travels through the Caves of Calm, the Forest of Feelings and the Labyrinth of Lies to reclaim the pieces of Secret List of the Regulators. Self-Regulation skills have been shown to increase academic performance, positive social interaction, physical health, emotional wellness and performance in many areas of life. This adventure story introduces the lessons from the Self-Regulation Training System. Created by best-selling author and international speaker Brad Chapin, this system is now being taught to thousands of children across the United States and Canada. This interactive, adventure story allows children to join Tomas on his quest to unlock the mystery of the Regulators' Secret List. Travel with Tomas on his quest to help his children succeed and discover the Secrets of a long, healthy, happy life.