The Making of the West, Volume 2: Since 1500: Peoples and Cultures
Includes Sources of The Making of the West
The Making of the West e-Book with e-Sources integrates the text with the companion documents reader and Online Study Guide and is easily searchable. Instructors can add documents and images so students see everything in one place.
Sources of The Making of the West can be used on its own in print format or integrated into an online course when used in the e-book version of The Making of the West.
The Online Study Guide helps students master textbook material and improve historical skills. Instructors can monitor student progress with the Quiz Gradebook or receive e-mail updates.
"The Making of the West is the best full-size textbook on the market. Of the many texts I have used for this course, my students overwhelmingly prefer this one."---Daniel Sarefield, The Ohio State University
"This textbook is excellent. All of the secondary, primary, and online resources are right on target."---Nancy E. Shockley, New Mexico State University
"I think I have examined every textbook out there, and The Making of the West is the best book I have found."---Michelle Anne Novak, Houston Community College