The Mass Destruction of Iraq: The Disintegration of a Nation: Why It Is Happening, and Who Is Responsible
As the violence and mayhem in the shattered nation of Iraq once again makes headlines, the George W. Bush-era authors of that nation's ongoing war have taken to the airwaves and the editorial pages in an effort to distance themselves from the carnage and misery their actions have wrought. While they desperately attempt to shove their culpability away from themselves and into the lap of the administration which inherited their folly, The Mass Destruction of Iraq sets the record straight.
In this book, Truthout writers William Rivers Pitt and Dahr Jamail provide the definitive history of what happened to Iraq, why it happened and who is responsible. From Pitt's early reporting on the ultimate motivations behind the Iraq invasion, to Jamail's unembedded reporting from Iraq as the occupation ground on, to the detailed breakdown of every lie we were told to justify this war, and the serial naming of those who had a hand in it, this book is the period at the end of a long, bleeding sentence.
This is why it happened, and this is who is responsible.