The New Tax Law: 21 Changes You Need To Know Before Filing Your Next Tax Return
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law in December of 2017 and the changes that the law created are now in effect. You'll see the effects of the new law for the first time when you file your 2018 tax return. Recent surveys tell us that most Americans are uncertain about which provisions in the law will affect them. How will the new tax law affect you? In order to get a comprehensive review and analysis of the new law, you'd need to read a book that's over 1,000 pages! If you're like me, I don't think you'd be interested in doing that. Because the tax code is so complicated, it's easy to get mired in the details and minutiae that don't even apply to you. There are hundreds of changes in the tax code, some of them will help you, but others won't. THE NEW TAX LAW: 21 Changes You Need To Know Before Filing Your Next Tax Return focuses only on the changes that matter to the majority of taxpayers. This brief guide simplifies the tax law changes in a straight-forward and easy way for anyone to understand.