The Perfect Smoke: Gourmet Pipe Smoking for Relaxation and Reflection
This is a book consisting of various essays on pipe smoking and how to enjoy it to the greatest degree. Although the majority of essays are new for this book, many of the essays have been previously published in a variety of pipe venues but updated and revised.
Pipe smoking, according to the author, is quite possibly the most underrated, unappreciated pleasure in all the world. It is not always easy to understand. But to those who do understand it, pipe smoking is a wonderfully engaging, satisfying, and stimulating activity. In this often humorous and always thought provoking book, the pleasures of pipe smoking are clearly described in an easy-to-read, light hearted, and in-depth style. The author explores the nature of the finest smoking briar pipes and proper pipe smoking methods, along with a host of tips and techniques for maximum enjoyment. The author also discusses how to taste pipe tobaccos and there is an interactive discussion with Tad Gage on enjoying the aged blends of old. The author also discusses his own blends, Wilderness and Legends. Tips and insights are offered throughout the book. The author shows how a great pipe coupled with great tobacco can be used for relaxation, reflection, and even problem-solving.
Many knowledgeable pipe collectors and pipe enthusiasts have called this the best book on pipe smoking ever written.