Could it be that we’ve missed the simplicity behind this mysterious thing called destiny? What if the real problem finding that dream job, winning that big piece of business or even getting your mom into the right hospital isn’t about relationships you have yet to make, but more about revisiting existing friendships you have unconsciously neglected? “The Power of WHO†is a message of hope. It is a story of how just 12 friends, 3 close friends and 1 best friend, can unleash a power on your behalf beyond your wildest imagination. It can change the entire trajectory of your life and those you love. The development and cultivation of “one friend†is and has always been the missing link we were seeking. Since the publication of The Power of WHO! a few years ago, Bob Beaudine has been asked time and time again, “Bob, how do you WHO?†Whether it is a group of executives from a Fortune 100 company, a group of athletes, or top officials from major universities, everybody asks for help getting started. With all this in mind, Bob decided a workbook was the best tool I could provide. So that’s what this book is: your WHO resource that will teach you how to live by the “Law of Less,†which is a paradigm shift from thinking the secret to fulfillment and success is having thousands of friends, fans and followers to spending more time with less people and building deep relationships with close WHO friends. What you’re about to discover in this workbook is: You Got WHO! You have a community of friends that will come to your aid if you’ll only ask them. But it’s the Remembering, Reaching Out, and Reconnecting with these “gifts†in life that is going to be the real work of this workbook. Let’s get started!