The Psychedelic Path: An Exploration of Shamanic Plants for Spiritual Awakening
5 stars "Fascinating insights into visionary states. Bound to be a controversial book." --Grady Harp Top Contributor: Children's Books, HALL OF FAME, TOP 100 REVIEWER
Are you walking the spiritual path and curious about psychedelics? Journey along with a meditation master and former "pharmacological purist" as he explores the spiritual heart of the psychedelic experience to discover the potential benefits and dangers of these substances.
Richard L. Haight, a master swordsman, meditation expert, and bestselling author of The Unbound Soul provides an extraordinarily powerful, unbiased account of hallucinogens as they relate to the spiritual path.
    "This book is a page-turner, exciting, and written with captivating           imagery that transports you on this psychedelic journey."
For his journeys, Haight makes use of three ancient shamanic plants found in South, Central, and North America, and he reveals a cutting-edge perspective that catalyzes tremendous personal transformation.
The Psychedelic Path is a book for you if:
You are serious about spiritual awakening but are unsure whether psychedelics are right for you ― "I found the book to be a clearly mapped process to deciding whether a psychedelic is a path for the reader."
You are frightened by the prospect of "bad trips" but still feel pulled to psychedelics. ― "I'd never considered that bad trips could teach one so much. Just read it, you'll learn something."
You already employ psychedelics but are looking for a fresh, more powerful approach. ― "The Psychedelic Path was a catalyst, a spark, a guide which helped focus my mind before the most important psychedelic journey I have ever taken.
You want to confront your own deepest, oldest inner demons, but you're having trouble "getting there". ― "Haight includes rich and expressive details of his process and encounters with both shadow and light material and aspects of spirit/psyche."
You want to live a life filled with love and courage, beyond all excuses. ― "Whether or not you use psychedelics, this book can open a door to your inner awareness."
"I felt elation and had the sense I was taking part in an epic or classic fairy tale―the quest, fighting the dragons and the final hard-won conquest."
"The most impressing aspect is the level of detail he was capable of bringing; the very vivid and clear absolute masterwork."
"Important and very informative reading...Haight's deeply confessional prose is moving to the extreme."
Read The Psychedelic Path to begin this fascinating exploration today.