"If you wanna hear me sing serious, buy an album," Dean Martin says early in this 70-minute disc, underlining his point by deliberately mangling the last word's pronunciation. Issued to catch the wave of Steven Soderbergh's remake of the Pack's romp, Ocean's 11, Live at the Sands is the second official issue of a Martin/Frank Sinatra/Sammy Davis Jr. show. This September 1963 date, though, is nimbler and funnier than the previous year's set preserved on The Summit in Concert. Some of the same jokes are told, but this Vegas jaunt adds at least one new running gag (Dino's brief rendition of "It's My Party"), and Sammy also gets a few racially tinged zingers off in return for those of his partners. Oh, and lest we forget, there's good music. Martin actually plays it straight on two Guys and Dolls duets with Sinatra, who also turns in a half-dozen strong performances on his own. Plenty of mystique is present, but Sands captures the trio hard at work as well. --Rickey Wright