New from bestselling author, Glenn Cooper, comes the most controversial novel ever written about the Holy Grail. A heart pounding thriller, filled with danger and excitement! A must read...
Arthur Malory, a seemingly ordinary Englishman, has a burning interest in the Grail, a passion inherited from his father. Thrust into a life-or-death quest to find the precious artifact, he will discover not only his own amazing heritage but also the power that the Grail possesses, a power that informs the resurrection of Christ and explosively merges spiritual and scientific thought.
About the Author: Glenn Cooper has a background in archaeology from Harvard and practiced medicine as an infectious diseases specialist. He was the CEO of a biotechnology company for almost twenty years, has written numerous screenplays and has produced three independent feature films. His novels have sold over six million copies in thirty-one languages. He lives in New Hampshire.
"A fascinating and ambitious book, in which Cooper reinvents the myth of the Holy Grail. Combining faith, science and a good set of chills." Alessandro Mezzena Lona, Il Piccolo
"Glenn Cooper proves once again to have beaten Dan Brown in the field of esoteric thrillers." Luca Crovi, Il Giornale
€œAs Cooper builds the layers of intrigue it becomes clear that he is no ordinary thriller writer, but one who asks big questions.€ Sunday Telegraph (UK)