The Spirit Of Python Unveiled
Are you tired of the setbacks and oppression? Do you have dreams, visions, and hear the voice of the Lord - yet wonder where God is when Python is prevailing against you? Have you been learning his strategies and fighting back but to no avail? If yes, the spirit of python may have dominion. This is the missing piece of the puzzle that the spirit of python doesn't want understood.
Complete with chapter review questions and a "My Heart's Desire" evaluation, this title offers the truth behind the spirit of python's identity, how and why he is successful against children of God, his strategies, and what it takes to come out from his DOMINION. Paula Cross was dominated by the spirit of python for decades despite walking with Jesus Christ since 1988. But the Holy Spirit walked her out of his dominion through visions and dreams and in 2009, after reaching the end of her rope with all the injustice and financial setbacks, Paula pressed God for deliverance from Python like never before! And now... she is finally free! The story of her supernatural journey is disclosed along with the revelation of Python's real ID, how to put him out completely and powerful prayers that are sure to help anyone out of the spirit of python's grip.