The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis (Book & CD)
2nd edition
STATISTICAL SLEUTH is an innovative treatment of general statistical methods, taking full advantage of the computer, both as a computational and an analytical tool. The material is independent of any specific software package. In "The American Statistician" (February 2000, Vol. 54, No. 1), George Cobb commented, "What is new and different about Ramsey and Schafer's book, what makes it a 'larger contribution,' is that it gives much more prominence to modeling and interpretation of the sort that goes beyond the routine patterns." His students did "substantially better" on term papers based on the analysis of data. In the book, the focus is on a serious analysis of real case studies; on strategies and tools of modern statistical data analysis; on the interplay of statistics and scientific learning; and on the communication of results. With interesting examples, real data, and a variety of exercise types (conceptual, computational, and data problems), the authors get students excited about statistics.