The Tinker's Daughter: A Story Based on the Life of the Young Mary Bunyan (Daughters of the Faith Series)
- Author: Lawton, Wendy.
- Publisher: Moody Publishers
- Pages: 144
- Publication Date: 2002
- Edition: New
- Binding: Paperback
- MSRP: 6.29
- ISBN13: 9780802440990
- ISBN: 0802440991
- Other ISBN: 9781575677057
- Other ISBN Binding: printisbn
- Language: en
- Quality Rating: 1
- "Book cover image may be different than what appears on the actual book."
John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress, only mentioned one of his children in his memoirs--Mary. Born blind, her story still intrigues us today. Mary developed a fierce determination for independence despite her disability after years of proving she was not hindered by her blindness. Only when she admits she needs help does she tap into the Source of all strength.