The Travel Hacking Pocket Guide: Work the Airlines' System, Save Money, and Travel the World
I know you’ve seen them buzzing around in your news feed. It seems like every time you log on they’ve uploaded more pictures from their recent trips to Mexico, Europe, Thailand. I bet you even resent them a little bit, don’t you? You want to travel too, but it’s “just too expensive.â€
What if I told you that traveling didn’t have to be expensive? That you could go pretty much anywhere in the world, departing from your nearest airport, for less money then you spent going out last weekend. That you could swim in underwater caves in Mexico, go surfing in the Philippines, or hang gliding in New Zealand in just a few months. Would you believe me?
Over the past few years, I’ve accumulated hundreds of thousands of frequent flyer miles from multiple airlines without changing anything about my daily life (ok I lied, I quit my job to travel more). These miles have enabled me to explore the Jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula, backpack through Central America, and fly consistently for next to no cost.
If you’ve gotten this far, I know that you too want to make a positive change in your life- one that involves traveling more. This guide was written to help you make that change. Inside you’ll find out:
• Three proven ways to rack up thousands of miles quickly, without ever flying
• Where to find the best prices on flights- both reward and non-reward
• How to determine the best bonus mileage offers and pick the right one
(and a lot more too)
The tools in this book will give you everything you need to not only get started in Travel Hacking, but to see it all the way through until your flights are booked and you’re packing your bags. You will easily be able to accumulate at least 25,000 miles by implementing just a few of the strategies in this book.
It’s your choice: You can take the leap, learn the system, and be in Costa Rica in three months, or you can go back to Amazon and buy some more crap you don’t really need. It’s up to you.