The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight
The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide - Second Edition: A Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels
Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira
The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes
Ketotarian: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation
Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook: 131 Delicious Recipes for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Reversing Disease, and Lifelong Health
The New Fat Flush Plan
The Gerson Therapy -- Revised And Updated: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses