This volume includes 26 of the author's papers, covering a period of 25 years (1931-1956), which are divided into 3 sections: the emotional problems of child development, the impact of psychoanalytic concepts on pediatrics, the author's original contributions to psychoanalytic theory and practice. The 26 chapters deal with such subjects as: psychoses and child care, the antisocial tendency, pediatrics and childhood neurosis, appetite and emotional disorder, hate in the counter-transference, withdrawal and regression, aggression and emotional development.
Includes: A Note on Normality and Anxiety [1931] * Fidgetiness [1931] * Appetite and Emotional Disorder [1936] * The Observation of Infants in a Set Situation [1941] * Child Department Consultations [1942] * Ocular Psychoneuroses of Childhood [1944] * Reparation in Respect of Mother's Organized Defence against Depression [1948] * Anxiety Associated with Insecurity [1952] * Symptom Tolerance in Paediatrics A Case History [1953] * A Case Managed at Home [1955] * The Manic Defence [1935] * Primitive Emotional Development [1945] * Paediatrics and Psychiatry [1948] * Birth Memories, Birth Trauma, and Anxiety [1949] * Hate in the Countertransference [1947] * Aggression in Relation to Emotional Development [1950-5] * Psychoses and Child Care [1952] * Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena [1951] * Mind and its Relation to the Psyche-Soma [1949] * Withdrawal and Regression [1954] * The Depressive Position in Normal Emotional Development [1954-5] * Metapsychological and Clinical Aspects of Regression within the Psycho-Analytical Set-Up [1954] * Clinical Varieties of Transference [1955-6] * Primary Maternal Preoccupation [1956] * The Antisocial Tendency [1956] * Pædiatrics and Childhood Neurosis [1956] *