** Easy to apply ** Just peel and stick to any smooth surface. This giant wall decal is just the right size for any nursery room.
** Fantastic for rental property and apartment ** Adhere well, removable and repositionable without damaging your wall. It's a breeze to remove and restick when you move house.
** Brighten up any room ** It is fun being creative and fun to put up. Brighten up any room regardless of whether you put the stickers in the exact right position or not.
** Your kids absolutely love it ** These are very cute, adorable and delightful addition to your nursery room. Instant attraction any time of the day, you will find them staring and talking about it the entire time.
** Bring life to your nursery ** With high quality, sturdy vinyl stickers, it is an inexpensive way to add colors without paint. Bring so much life and character to your nursery, and you'll get lots of compliments from your guests.
Here's what you'll get: - 8 sheets of 16.9" x 11.8" (43 cm x 30 cm) peel & stick removable stickers - Total of 46 pre-cut stickers with vibrant colors - Assembled area of 6.6 ft in width x 3.0 ft in height (200 cm x 90 cm) - Installation guide - 100% satisfaction guarantee
Perfect for any nursery room. Perfect as gift too. Order 2 now, 1 for you, 1 for your best friend.
Sold exclusively by Timber Group . All rights reserved.