If you've ever tried to glue chair legs and runners together, you'll recognize the analogy of the chair looking like some advanced avionics antenna with clamps seemly running in and protruding from every direction. Band claps are good at solving some of this, but the ratcheting mechanisms can be unwieldy. TitewrapTM fixes all of these issues. It's a stretchable 7-1/2' x 3/4" roll of "tape" that can be run and stretched to put clamping pressure where needed, but it doesn't damage the wood. It only sticks to itself, and with a little care, can be reused on the next project. I can envision using this stretchy tape on all kinds of projects where traditional clamping might not be ideal or you might not have enough traditional clamps to secure the project during glue-up. 1 roll of tape per package.