TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Etch Wash (Quart)
- Etching treatment for aluminum cleans, brightens and chemically etches the surface for proper adhesion
- For use on bare aluminum, galvanized steel, and other non-ferrous metals (do not use on wood or fiberglass)
- Ready-to- use formula removes contaminants, oxidation, and corrosion quickly and easily. Works in minutes!
- Great for aluminum pontoon boats, fishing boats, duck boats, and other aluminum surfaces
- Compatible with one- and two-part finishes. Non-flammable, chromate-free formula. Available in Quart and Gallon sizes.
TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Etch Wash is a combination cleaner, conditioner, and surface etching treatment for aluminum, galvanized, and other non-ferrous metal surfaces. A single application cleans, conditions, and etches to improve the bond of coatings like epoxies, primers, and glues. Finishes stick more tenaciously and last longer. Aluminum Boat Etch Wash is ready to use, applies easily with a brush or spray equipment, and works in just five minutes. Apply as needed to maintain a wet surface. Built-up oxidation will come by scrubbing lightly with a Scotch-Brite pad. Keep the surface wet for 5 minutes, then rinse with fresh or eionized water, dry the surface completely and coat immediately (to prevent prepared surface from oxidizing). Prefer the look of shiny, uncoated aluminum? Aluminum Boat Etch wash also makes a great pretreatment for polishing. Just use as directed, rinse and dry completely, then polish. Aluminum Boat Etch Wash is compatible with one- and two-part finishes, and can be used above or below the waterline. For example, apply TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Barrier Coat over a surface pretreated with Aluminum Boat Etch Wash, then overcoat TotalBoat AlumiPaint AF antifouling bottom paint specifically formulated for pontoon boats and aluminum fishing boats. Compare to Alodine and Alumiprep 33. All TotalBoat products are developed by boaters for boaters, to provide great value and great results. We know what works and what doesn't. 100% made in the USA.