Organic compound composed of a tri-alcohol & an amine
Pure & concentrated ingredient. Not a finished cosmetic product. Use as raw material for making cosmetics or add directly to finished skin care products.
High-quality product from the USA
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Supplied by MakingCosmetics Inc., an ISO certified & FDA registered ingredient supplier
Description: Organic compound composed of a tri-alcohol & an amine. It is a weak base (pH 10-11), widely used to elevate the pH in cosmetic formulas. Chemical name: 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol. Colorless to light yellow, viscous liquid, or solid depending upon storage conditions. Slight ammonia odor. Soluble in water & oils.
CAS: 102-71-6
INCI Name: Triethanolamine
Benefits: - pH adjuster (increases pH) - Stabilizes emulsions, fragrances and preservatives - Acts as foam stabilizer as it has detergent properties and stabilizes other surfactants - Improves efficacy of preservatives by stabilizing the pH value
Use: Typical use level 0.1-1% depending on product type & desired pH value. Note: Crystallizes upon room temperature. For external use only.
Applications: For adjusting pH values & stabilizing all kinds of personal care & makeup products.
Country of Origin: USA
Raw material source: Ammonia, ethylene oxide
Manufacture: Triethanolamine is produced synthetically from the reaction of ethylene oxide with aqueous ammonia. Byproducts are ethanolamine and diethanolamine.
Animal Testing: Not animal tested
GMO: GMO-free (does not contain plant-derived components)