US Fast Battleships 1936-47: The North Carolina and South Dakota classes (New Vanguard)
US Standard-type Battleships 1941-45 (2): Tennessee, Colorado and Unbuilt Classes (New Vanguard)
US Navy Light Cruisers 1941?45 (New Vanguard)
Battleships: WWII Evolution of the Big Guns: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)
US Heavy Cruisers 1943-75: Wartime and Post-war Classes (New Vanguard)
US Heavy Cruisers 1941-45: Pre-war Classes (New Vanguard)
US Destroyers 1942?45: Wartime classes (New Vanguard)
US Navy Dreadnoughts 1914-45 (New Vanguard)
US Navy Aircraft Carriers 1942?45: WWII-built ships (New Vanguard)
The B-58 Blunder: How the U.S. Abandoned its Best Strategic Bomber