Ultralite Car Body Wide Wheel Base Only for Pine Derby Wood Car - Canopy #4 by Derby Dust®
Derby Dust Pine Derby Wood Car kits are specially designed according to the length, width, and weight requirements of the largest scouting organization. However, the rules of local events sometimes differ. That is why it is necessary to learn them before purchase. These bodies are milled out as thin as we feel comfortable making them. Reduce weight that will dominate every race. Minimum wood weight, maximum surface area for custom weight distribution.
Front end tapered so that you can actually start down the track before others.
Designed for canopy style weights. Average weight on these are around 13 grams
Precut- We already cut the design. Low profile, reduced drag. Every .001" counts in PWD.
Sanded: We have handed sanded the bodies to 120 grit prior to shipping
WOOD WEIGHT WHEELS NOT INCLUDED. Shown as fully installed reference only.
Fast Pinewood derby car bodies! Winning Pinewood Derby Car Design. Our Feedback shows!
BSA - compliant pinewood derby car body. After all we use the official BSA block to make these bodies.Designed for minimum wood weight designed for maximum weight placement. Get your COG tricked out for ultimate performance.
Extended WHEEL BASE ONLY. Check your local rule requiremnts. Designed for Canopy type weights. We answer all emails. Weight holes underneath are 3/8" in depth.
This body is crazy fast. 5/16" Thickness. Please plan axle install accordingly. Watch our videos. Use the drill bit that we provide. Don't be lazy and leave us negative feedback because you thought you could skip that step.