Tired of being overlooked and underappreciated, Allison Parker, a young petite police officer, eagerly jumps at an opportunity to prove her worth. However, the undercover operation for which she volunteers turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for when she finds out she's headed back to grade school...as a student! Tasked with befriending the daughter of a ruthless crime lord, Allison finds herself trapped in the life of a little girl as she struggles to navigate her way through a childish landscape filled with homework, bullies, dolls, sleepovers and a seemingly never-ending barrage of embarrassing outfits. Filled with twists and turns, 'Undercover Best Friend' explores just how far Allison is willing to go to get the job done. Can she complete her mission and reclaim her adulthood or is she doomed to repeat most of her childhood?