Thirty-five-year-old American social media master Vanessa Roberts lives her thoroughly modern life with aplomb. So when her elderly Jane Austen€“centric aunt needs her to take on the public relations for Julian Chancellor, a very private man from England who€s written a book called My Year as Mr. Darcy, Vanessa agrees. But she€s not €œexcessively diverted,€ as Jane Austen would say.
Hardbound books, teacups, and quill pens fly in the face of her e-reader, coffee, and smartphone€¦
€¦Until she sees Julian take his tight breeches off for his Undressing Mr. Darcy show, an educational €œstriptease€ down to his drawers to promote his book and help save his crumbling estate. The public relations expert suddenly realizes things have gotten€¦personal. But can this old-fashioned man claim her heart without so much as a GPS? It will take three festivals filled with Austen fans, a trip to England, an old frenemy, and a flirtatious pirate re-enactor to find out€¦