Unidentified Funny Objects (Unidentified Funny Objects Annual Anthology Series of Humorous SF/F Book 1)
Unidentified Funny Objects is a collection of humorous science fiction and fantasy. Packed with laughs, it has 29 stories ranging from lighthearted whimsy to the wild and zany.
Inside you will find a zombear, tweeting aliens, down-on-their-luck vampires, time twisting belly dancers, moon Nazis, stoned computers, omnivorous sex-maniac pandas, and a spell-casting Albert Einstein.
WARNING: Some stories contain R-rated content and are inappropriate for minors, nuns, and anyone who lacks a sense of humor.
Includes the following stories:
“El and Al vs. Himmler’s Horrendous Horde from Hell†by Mike Resnick
“The Alchemist’s Children†by Nathaniel Lee
“Moon Landing†by Lavie Tidhar
“Fight Finale from the Near Future†by James Beamon
“Love Thy Neighbors†by Ken Liu
“The Alien Invasion As Seen In The Twitter Stream of @dweebless†by Jake Kerr
“Dreaming Harry†by Stephanie Burgis
“The Last Dragon Slayer†by Chuck Rothman
“The Real Thing†by Don Sakers
“2001 Revisited via 1969″ by Bruce Golden
“The Working Stiff†by Matt Mikalatos
“Temporal Shimmies†by Jennifer Pelland
“One-Hand Tantra†by Ferrett Steinmetz
“Of Mat and Math†by Anatoly Belilovsky
“Timber!†by Scott Almes
“Go Karts of the Gods†by Michael Kurland
“No Silver Lining†by Zach Shephard
“If You Act Now†by Sergey Lukyanenko
“My Kingdom for a Horse†by Stephen D. Rogers
“First Date†by Jamie Lackey
“All I Want for Christmas†by Siobhan Gallagher
“Venus of Willendorf†by Deborah Walker
“An Unchanted Sword†by Jeff Stehman
“The Day They Repossessed my Zombies†by K.G. Jewell
“The Fifty One Suitors of Princess Jamatpie†by Leah Cypess
“The Secret Life of Sleeping Beauty†by Charity Tahmaseb
“The Velveteen Golem†by David Sklar
“The Worm’s Eye View†by Jody Lynn Nye
“Cake from Mars†by Marko Kloos