Unigear Gun Bore Cleaner Snake for Rifle Pistol Shotgun (Choose Your Caliber)
Fastest Gun Bore Cleaner, cleans gun bores in 10 seconds
50% more brush cleaning power than the original gun snake
Designated lubrication zone on the handle; brass weight on the pull cord is stamped with size
Built-in bore brushes, brushes and swabs bore in one quick pass
Multiple short brushes embedded in the floss pass easily through the shortest action or port
Advantages of using bore cleaning kits • Combines all the cleaning processes into one simple step, effectively cleaning your bore in a single pass. • First, an initial floss area brushes the action then removes loose grit and debris in the bore prior to the main scrubbing. • Lightweight and compact, it's easy to take to even the most remote hunting destination. • Spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying your firearm
BS01: .22-.223 Cal & 5.56mm BS02:.30-.308 Cal BS03:.357, .380, .38 Cal & 9mm BS04:.40-.41 Cal BS05:.44-.45 Cal BS06: 12 GA Gauge